Commenter Brandy posted this comment today about the 200 Keele St. development., She is reporting on the community meeting held last week
…here is Brandy’s comment thanks again Brandy
Glad there is interest out there. Thanks for posting! (I’ve never “posted” to a “blog” before)There is good reason to be concerned. Many, many points were made at the meeting which lasted over 3 hours! And there are many substantial concerns ranging from safety and traffic issues, soil remediation, geotechnical issues, historical creek identification, historical value of property and nature of the neighborhood, destruction of ravine, complete lack of replacement of rental housing, serious human, social and environmental issues should any of this application be allowed. For many questions, the developer’s people did not have answers. (more detail later) On the trees, I believe the developer’s arborist stated that 119 trees are slated for removal should this application be allowed. Although 3 times that would be required to be planted by the developer in the “neighborhood”, apparently only about 56 would be planted on the subject lands. So much for Ravine designation.
Thanks for your interest and response. The developer is pushing the City to move forward with the severance applications for 203 and 195 Oakmount and this hearing is now scheduled for April 23, 2009 — notice to those within 60 meters should be here any day! Although the City planners strongly recommeded the severance should move in tandem with the re-zoning and Official Plan amendment applications as a comprehensive package, the severance is being pushed and so interest and attendance will be very important! Brandy
Update from Brandy Sat 11:29am
In addition to seeking Demolition and Conversion permission re: existing 200 Keele St townhouses, and in addition to seeking severance of rear yards of 195 and 203 Oakmount Rd (severances appear to be on consent), there are also now applications to reduce the landscaped open space at 195 Oakmount Road, and to convert 203 Oakmount to duplex (developer’s people were not clear on this and didn’t appear to even know about it at the meeting, but this was included in notice and the architect thought he could make 203 Oakmount into 2 x 1400 sq. ft. living spaces without touching the exterior!), to “eliminate required parking” at 203 Oakmount Rd (like parking’s not already bad enough!), and then the applications to add rear yards to 200 Keele, and to build 22 townhouse condos and 4 rental townhouses, with associated variances, exemptions etc. Point of interest from the meeting, there is not one example in our neighborhood vicinity where development has proceeded by acquisition of back yards! I would attach photos of the Notices posted this morning, but not sure how. My thanks to the moderator: I don’t actually know how to blog, but this matter is important enough to figure it out!