When it comes to yard sales even the Junction is a huge place geographically. Street yard sales always seem to be partially organized to knit people together who live on the same or in close proximity. Many people like to keep them small and focused which probably makes them work.
The recent Junction yard sale, on June 13th was one such effort that was a little bigger than most with a considerable number of households participating. The community potluck later that evening was well attended and people took special care to bring really great food for their neighbours.
The organizers of this past weekend’s partnered in their efforts to ensure the sale and potluck was organized to everyone’s liking, and the result was a great success that came about with a great team effort and a lot of discussion.
This was a perfect example of how incredible the Junction is, a couple of people simply choose a date and the community took care of the rest by taking the idea and running with it. This was a true community effort. The people who contributed and attended on Saturday created the final touch and community spirit the event needed.