Stereo King, Art Store and ….
The art store appears to gone, as the retail area is now for lease again, The guys working to place an art store in the Junction may have been overcome with the difficulty of running an art store in Toronto – which is real hard
You made a specific point to mention it so I have to ask…. whats real hard about running an art store?
Ah too bad I about that I really wanted to see an art supply store in the Junction
Maybe running an art store in the Junction is difficult because the Junction is not just an artist community.
Don't tell the mind-trust @ the JRA that Rodger, might pop a few bubbles
Theirry, What makes you think the JRA has the view the Junction is all artist?
Our next meeting is November 12th BTW, I hope to see you out.
Thanks for the…. 3rd? 4th? offer to have me come out. I appreciate you welcoming me, however I wouldn't for a second think about wasting my time with the closed little society of the JRA, the group that says it represents all in our community but in reality it just represents those that agree with its ideas and initiatives. Dissenting voices need not apply.
Hi Theirry, I agree the local JRA has issues like some other JRA's in the city. …yet there are a number of people working within the organization to make it more consensus orientated, although I am not a paid up member or privy to their detailed planning, I am sure (and hope) they will try and makes changes based on the experience of their 1st year.
But I am with Martin on seeking your attendance to at least the next meeting which is probably the most important as they should be putting in some new project controls (my thoughts and hope) and seeking input from the community for the next year. It's all great for you to place your opinions about the organization (Which I admire) around, but 1.5 hours of your time to help direct it – is not a burden. Because if caring people like you ignore what they see as inequality and the failure to represent which is what I hear from reading a lot of your comments – the community hurts.
And yes I find the JRA needs many more members to truly represent the community, and from reading your comments I am sure you have some ideas of how to get them interested. Attend and get your list of community needs minuted, I am sure you will find some like minded people. Further the JRA exec will have to look and read your suggestions over and over again as they use the minutes from the meeting in the next year, to guide them. Hey why not place a motion for one of your concerns and have them (actually the whole lot and not just the executive) vote on it as a project, – then you could really get a sense of whats going on.
If you go, I'd go just to see you talk. 🙂
I have not forgot about your art store question and will get to in the next few days,
And to answer another of your comments, people do comment on my Junction property all the time , at one, people our always telling what to do.
Hello Theirry, sorry you feel that way and I admit you're not the only one. In our second year we plan to have more public debate and votes at our meetings. This initiative will make the JRA process more transparent and deter pet projects.
At the next meeting for example I plan to introduce a motion for the JRA to initiate a bike lane project on High Park Ave. Currently its a "Suggested On-Street Route" which ends at Annette but I want to open a dialogue on the benefits of bike connections between the Junction and Bloor Street. If the project gets 51% of the votes at the meeting the project moves to the next stage if not we move on to the next topic.
The reno probably took longer than they anticipated.
The comments are really kind of humorous about the JRA. They've been in existence, what, 2 years and are already eating each other alive? Looks like the JRA is currently a platform for one business in particular's activites & events. Someone mentioned pet-projects???
I hope that the motion for a bike lane on High Park Ave fall short of 51%, bike lanes don't work on all streets. Can they vote on repealing the bike lanes on Dupont? I bike it almost everyday and it's far more dangerous now then it was before the bike lanes were put in, not to mention what it has done to traffic, what a disaster.
I am very happy to say that Metropolis Living has moved in and is opening June 4th. They have a very cool and eclectic variety of furniture.