from the cities report…
The purpose of this report is to recommend the Designation of the proposed Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area.
In accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, the City Clerk conducted a poll to determine if there is sufficient support to designate the proposed Baby Point Gates BIA. The number of objecting petitions regarding the Baby Point Gates BIA do not meet the sufficiency benchmark to prevent the designation set out in Chapter 19‑9A of the Municipal Code. Accordingly, City Council may establish a Business Improvement Area. Based upon the results, it is recommended that Council pass a by‑law to designate the area described by Attachment 1 (Maps 1‑5), as the Baby Point Gates BIA.
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Link to full map within city background file
The Economic Development Committee recommends that:
1. City Council pass a by-law to designate the area described by Attachment 1 (Maps 1 to 5) of the report (August 24, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, as a Business Improvement Area, under Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code, based upon the results of the poll respecting the intention to designate the Baby Point Gates BIA.
2. City Council amend Schedule A of Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, to include the Baby Point Gates BIA.
3. City Council grant authority for the introduction of the necessary bills in Council to give effect thereto.
4. City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City Officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.
The purpose of this report is to recommend the Designation of the proposed Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area.
In accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, the City Clerk conducted a poll to determine if there is sufficient support to designate the proposed Baby Point Gates BIA. The number of objecting petitions regarding the Baby Point Gates BIA do not meet the sufficiency benchmark to prevent the designation set out in Chapter 19‑9A of the Municipal Code. Accordingly, City Council may establish a Business Improvement Area. Based upon the results, it is recommended that Council pass a by‑law to designate the area described by Attachment 1 (Maps 1‑5), as the Baby Point Gates BIA.
Jane and Annette: the site of another vacated CIBC branch in a walkable neighbourhood.
And the loss of a postal outlet recently closed by Canada Post.