Over at the South Junction Triangle site they are having an interesting comment discussion about the process and the need (if any), well worth reading.
Heres a question for those living in the “Junction” do you want this area to keep the word Junction as part of any name they choose?
Fuzzy Boundaries voting results: Top 10 names
Top Ten Neighbourhood Names
- Junction Triangle
- South Junction Triangle
- East Junction
- Railpath
- Railtown
- Black Oak Triangle
- Rail District
- The Wedge
- The Triangle
- Perth Park
If they're going to piggyback on the "Junction" name, whats the point in trying to define the area with a name of its own at all????
I agree with Theirry. If they end up picking "Junction Triangle" the boundaries will be just as fuzzy and confusing as before. But, maybe that's just what the neighbourhood wants.
I vote for Railpath or Black Oak Triangle.
I posted this response to a similar discussion on the Fuzzy Boundaries site:
To Junction, or not to Junction?
The discussion about using the word "Junction" as part of our neighbourhood's name is certainly an interesting one! I didn't expect it to get so heated at this point in the process.
But this topic isn't new, and it has come up frequently right from the very start of this process. Not just from residents of The Junction either, but from people within the Fuzzy Boundaries area. There are many people around here who want to carve out a unique identity for this neighbourhood, and avoid the "me too" feeling of using "Junction" in the name.
Also, the name "Junction Triangle" often leads to confusion. If you tell someone that you live in the "Junction Triangle", there's a good chance that they'll assume you live in the Keele and Dundas area. Some people also seem to use "Junction" and "Junction Triangle" interchangeably for both areas. A good example of this is a newspaper article from the 1980's that spoke about pollution in this area, and seemed to waffle back and forth using both of those names. A current annoying example of confusion between these names is on the Flickr photography site. If you geotag a photo to place it at Campbell Park, it will correctly label the location as "Junction Triangle". But it uses the same name if you take a photo at Dundas and Keele! D'oh!
Junction Triangle photos on Flickr:
Flickr's map:
The most popular name for this neighbourhood, right now, seems to be "Junction Triangle". This name has been in use since about the late 1970's, was used often in the 1980's and seems to have faded somewhat since then. You can still hear it being used pretty regularly though. Something I'd like to know is: If there's so much uproar over this name now from Junction residents, was there the same amount of uproar in the 70's and 80's when this name was at its peak of usage?
When the Village of West Toronto Junction was founded in 1884, and then morphed into the Town of West Toronto Junction in 1889, and then became the City of West Toronto in 1908, did residents of Toronto protest the re-use of the name "Toronto"? Were Torontonians worried about becoming residents of "East Toronto"? Did they tell residents of The Junction, Hey! Stop using our name!" 🙂
I actually like the name "Junction Triangle" alot. It's very appropriate for this fuzzy boundaries area. However, the confusion over the name is definitely a major strike against using anything with the work "Junction" in it.
On a related note: "York" seems to be a really bad example of name re-use / abuse. Toronto was previously called "York", named after a place in England. Then came York Township, which eventually became the City of York just north of the City of Toronto. But that got swallowed up by amalgamation. Further north was North York, also swallowed up by Toronto. Keep going north and you end up in York Region. Maybe we'll swallow them up too, but do we really want to? Oh, and don't forget about East York, and Yorkville (where you can probably find people carrying Yorkies in their purses). Plus a million other places named York all over the world.
I've been rather puzzled about this whole process of naming an area that even when I was living on the east side of the city I knew as the Junction Triangle. I've never thought of it as "fuzzy."
If you want your own identity so badly then why are you on the JUNCTION blog posting about it?
I feel like Fuzzy Boundaries is kind of like the Quebec sovereignty issue. You can request to separate and rename all you like but to the rest of Toronto you still are and always will be part of THE JUNCTION.