Exciting highlights and participants of this years’ event include:
Not everything is listed here yet…………….
Environmental Experience
Experience the wonderful sensation of walking on timber, bark, mulch, pebbles, wood and mud. Feel the cool waters of the brook, the foot bath and the sun baked rocks, the softness of the grass and soil, enlarging the landscape through nature, architecture and infrastructure, manipulating and blurring perceptions of what is natural and what is artificial.
CROW studios curators Rachel Wong and Christina Ott Present,
Large scale installation and paintings throughout the grounds feturing artists such as,
Michael Thompson
Lisa Santonato
Maciek Balmas
Edward Lin and Kira Varvanina
Jacob JeBailey
Juried Arts Exhibition hosted and Presented by The Academy of Realist Art.
Curator, writer and featured performer Lillian Allen presents,
Poetry Village & Twilight Film Center
Heart and Art, a fluid Live Literature installation from Lillian Allen, is one of the center pieces of Junction Arts Festival 2010. Heart and Art will takeover/makeover a vacant lot into a Poetry Village a living breathing poem or book. We will create the world’s first, Installation of a live Poetry Village with stages, hubs, a giant screen, and an atmosphere to synergize creativity. Between daybreak and sunset, poets, writers, readers, lovers of the word and community members will collaboratively program, inhabit vibrate and empower togetherness within the 2010 Junction Poetry Village.
The Poetry Village is a post-postmodern, multi-media, multi-platform, remix art installation that deals with location, process, and interactivity, building community and empowering the word. As part of this installation, poets, writers, readers, performers, lovers of the word, etc, are invited to co-create activities that will bring our ‘poetry village’ alive. In a community of words and poetics, the community is invited to take in the power of words to enliven and empower! Listen to some fabulous readings, or try your hand at writing a poem or two. Interact with poets and writers from all poetry and writing styles. Get poetic advice or join a group workshop. Vote for your favourite Slam poets and see the champions face off! Learn all about dub poetry.
This is part of a multi-media, multi-platform exploration, so along with on-the -ground experience, we will also be creating a “virtual poetry village” providing prompts and writing exercises to inspire ‘virtual villagers on-line’ as well as local villagers to write their own poetry and travel along the geography of the festival to explore
Jill Battson Clifton Joseph
Nalo Hopkinson Robert Priest
Brenda MacIntyre Klyde Broox
Leah a.k.a Miss Liza Phyllis Walker Rudy Fearon
Vitra Gosine Keli Liu Carrie Young
Novick presents Women’s Voices 5 women reading, singing and performing their work of poetry, narrative, fiction and song. Voices to Inspire!
Michael St George
Derick Assante
Andrea Thompson
New Dub Poets Collective;
Neisha New Era
Queen Tyessential
Iyah Fyah
Peculiar I
J. Nicole Noel
Curator Paul Campbell with SMASH and Junction Arts Festival present,
RE: INVASION – Recent Crimes and Punishments
Monuments / Plunderworks / Mash-Media / Shinyism / Lebensraum / Subvertainment
Opening reception/performance Thursday, Sept 9, 7 – 11pm
Performance and media-artist Istvan Kantor invades the premises of SMASH and turns the junkyard size vintage furniture store, located in the heart of the Junction, into his own Neoist (s)mash-up art headquarters. The industrial store-set is a perfect drill-ground for Kantor’s hyper-audacious strategy, techno-cinematic vision and his conflicting taste for mayhem. The show will open with a new performance, designed and created for this occasion, involving members of Istvan Kantor’s robo-zombie MachineSexActionGroup.
For the Junction Arts Festival Kantor extends his installation/performance to the street with a monumental construction of a barricade made of hundreds of old file cabinets in front of SMASH on Saturday, sept 11. Kantor will also actively engage himself with other projects at different sites of the festival, such as a Neoist Brainwash Station and a speed-drawing blitzkunst-action. He will be available to meet festival visitors for informal conversations throughout the JAF event.
Feature Performances on the Main stage include,
Kevin Quain and the Mad Bastard Cabaret
Special appearance by Mary Margaret O’Hara.
Random Acts of Dance
Run with the Kittens
People in Grey
Lillian Allen and the New Dub Poets
Robert Preist
Scotiabank – A Childs Experience,
Arts, education and some well organized adventure take to the grounds for the child and family alike. From Juno Award winners to a complete environmental experience – children and families will have the opportunity to work together and experience activities with each other in the purposefully designed, programmed and curated children’s portion of the festival.
Some of this year’s A Childs Experience programming includes:
Whatz up with Broccoli. – Play with Poetry.
A program for young people using poetry and visual arts. It will grace this year’s Festival in the Children’s Area and spill out onto the street.
Young people will be motivated into self expression through writing, word-play, and sounding off! They will be guided to use the spoken and written word to create their own works of poetry and word art. Visiting artists to the children area will include poets, writers and storytellers such as Lillian Allen, Robert Priest, Brenda MacIntyre, Klyde Broox, featured storyteller Phyllis Walker and more.
Whatz up with Broccoli – Play with Poetry.- is presented by the Imagine Group led by Vitra Gosine, and Keli Liu.
The Imagine Group is fresh from completing a resoundingly successful six week “Play With Poetry” Writing program at the Albert Campbell Library.
Little Fingers Music – Live and Workshops
Jam with charlie and dancer Rosanna as the perform interactive songs. Their set includes: singing chanting, percussion, flash cards, props, hats, wigs and masks and a variety of dances that will keep the mosh pit moving. Their music gets children engaged and instils a deeper appreciation of music, the environment and multiculturalism. Drop by, tune in and hang out with Children’s Rock Artist and Ontario Arts Council “Arts Educator” charlie as he performs songs from his latest album.
A complete listing of artists to date includes :
Participating Artists
- Istvan Kantor Shannon Linde, Andra Hayward with CROW Marion Lanktree with CROW
- Trap – This Is: Art and Design Collective
- Takashi Hilferink Catherine Toth
- Lisa Santonato Edward Lin Christina Ott
- Carolyn Taylor Michael Thompson
- Kira Varvanina Rachel Wong
- Jacob JeBailey Eric Cheung Reid English Heather Phillips
- Robert Hilts Theresa Pankratz
- Emmanuel Mifsud
What are the dates of this event?
Sept 8 to 12 2010
Didn't this used to be done the weekend before school starts? Why is it now being held when all the kids are back in school? Aren't Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons going to be a little sparse?
Hi Rodger, this is the weekend it's always been held on
Anyone have an idea of when the schedule is going to be posted? It would be nice to know when I should stop by to check out my favourites from last year.