Calamity 13, city decides it cannot move fast enough to accept 300 thousand dollar Jamie Bell fire donations. ^

Offer of a $300,000 new High Park playground stumbles at city hall… Ouch

Yes public consultation is necessary for the rebuild of the play structure of the Jamie Bell Playground.

This blog would bet that the planned High Park residents association Monday April 2nd will be packed. Probably it should be viewed as the initial community consultation meeting by the local council members for wards 13 and 14. Both sets of members could assist and give support to city staff to classify this meeting as a community consultation.

City staff are skilled at understanding the mechanisms of city regulations, usually much better than the elected persons.

Fact: After the last city workers strike, city staff expedited all the permits for host of arts festivals and council member motions of support were passed in days.

To cover the thoughts and opinions of all recently concerned staff and the council
members could attend any other community meetings, to ensure voices are heard.

Really is it not reasonable to think the entire community is aware of the situation, and views it as a community priority.

In all of this, just look at the excellent and smart work the High Park RA is doing about this issue, let’s all go to the meeting and support them.

Here is an outtake from their opinions and activities from the Toronto Star article.

But Jeff Derksen, chair of the High Park Residents’ Association, said his group and the companies already held one consultation meeting, attended by some 80 people on 24 hours’ notice, and expected 200 at another meeting they scheduled. They also organized four brainstorming sessions with local children.

“I understand that the city would like to follow a process it knows well internally. I personally don’t understand why there wouldn’t be a process exception given the exceptional nature of the generosity that’s being offered by people whose work this is,” Derksen said.

News of the city’s decision spread Friday via a Facebook group dedicated to the rebuilding effort. One resident called it “sad and heartbreaking.” Wrote another: “Foolish bureaucracy!”

Link to complete article on the Toronto star site


sharp piece

why not, indeed, a… "a process exception given the exceptional nature of the generosity that’s being offered by people whose work this is?"

Can't move too fast you know. There has to be lots of studies, reports, paperwork etc. in order to justify jobs of paperpusher bureaucrats. Ought to be finished by about next winter!

Yes, let's turn over public space to private corporations and see how that turns out! Can you say "This park sponsored by Brand X", kids?

Building playgrounds must be "gravy", even if paid by someone else. I guess they don't want to pay or have the city employees to supervise or authorize the project.

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