? Junctions long-term success depends on the triumph of community-shipand the old police station ^

Does not the Junctions long-term success depend on the triumph of community-ship – not industrial or retail businesses – successful communities no longer come form large firms putting down factories and the building of homes for workers following, nor will a slew of great retail shops maintain our Junction. A greater Junction will come from mainly an involved populace of residents contributing thought, time and effort to ensure the terrific elements of the Junction are maintained such as our parks – the friendliness of neighbors to each others, continuing the great consideration for children throughout the area and community spirit that drives people to put time and effort in creating and running community events.

We live in a wonderful community where most people articulate those attitudes.


Rather than asking residents, “What can we do


for you?” they asked, “What can we do together?”


Yet we have no place to gather and be responsible for as a community. To enhance and grow the best of our community efforts and design, originate, discover, and produce. A place with meeting rooms for all of this and for everyone. A place for doing, production. A place for meetings and drop-ins a place for a settlement house activities, The Sorauren Ave. area has the field house at Sorauren Avenue Park while the lower part of ward 13 to the west has the Swansea Town Hall where now a renovation adding a new lower wing with roof top patio is being added at city cost.


Above is the building – city owed that can we as a community can create the entire spectrum of what a community place in the Junction.

We need a ‘can do’ attitude among us all who value our Junction and the determination above all else to achieve local control over the old police station property.

Tonight the group looking to spearhead the effort has a meeting at SMASH (2880 Dundas St West) at 7:30pm (kids welcome). Where they will meet and discuss a strategy going forward.

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