1905,06,07,08,09, a period when the Junction had Tesla class companies. During this period simple gasoline engunes powered factories, boats/launches, portable machines for farming and cars.
The Junction. was home much of Toronto high tech companies od the period frim cars to boats, and machinery, the area teamed with foundries, engine makers,power distribution companies.
Russell cars are the pioneer autos in Canada and well maintain the lead they have deservedly achieved. A beautiful catalogue has been issued by the Canada Cycle and Motor Company, Limited, Toronto Junction, giving full particulars of these cars and showing how well suited they are for rough Canadian roads.
The well known Russel cars were shown by the Canada Cycle and Motor Company, Limited, TorontoJunction, and made a most creditable display. These cars have been put to the most severe tests throughout Canada and in each instance have come out triumphant. They have heen taken to England and on the roads of that country have succeeded in giving as great satisfaction as they have in Canada. Amongst the tests was one of a thousand miles through the wilds of Muskoka. Others have been made in Australia where the difficulties are as great as in Canada. In all these varied trials the “Russet” came out well and showed in economy of repairs the value and strength of the machines. Many satisfied customers have testified to the pleasures given through the use of these cars, and the appearance made appeared to justify all that has been said about the fine “Russell”