“A Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath”
AT LEAST one of the many salesmen who entered his store last week
to sell him various lines of hardware, stands out in the recollection
of a West Toronto hardware merchant. This was not because of the
size of the order given either, for no business was transacted.
After passing the time of day the salesman who represented a manufacturer
of washing machines proceeded to deliver with machine like
precision and rapidity the various selling arguments concerning his particular
machine. The hardware merchant paid little attention to him because
he was not interested in washing machines.
The salesman persisted in delivering his oration of a correspondence
school flavor, and heeded not the lack of interest displayed by his would-be
At last the hardware merchant could stand it no longer.
“Cut it out man. I don’t want to hear all that rifle fire talk
about washing machines.
I don’t handle washing machines and I don’t want to buy any
of them now,” he said.
“Da—–m it”
I believe you’re wise,” retorted
the salesman,who, after briefly discussing
the weather,made a hasty exit, leaving
the hardware merchant to ponder one of the most surprising
answers he had ever received.