What the CARLYLE COMMUNITIES developer sees at the old Old Benjamin Moore



June 03 3020 photo of the site
Carlyle Communities rendering of completed building
Text from the firms web site June 04 2020
In November 2017, Carlyle acquired a 2.66 acre development site located in the popular Junction neighbourhood. Located on the south side of St. Clair Avenue, just east of Keele Street, the property is steps from the St. Clair streetcar as well as the future St. Clair – Old Weston SmartTrack station. The Junction has become one of the fastest growing and highly coveted neighbourhoods for young families in the City of Toronto as a result of its unique character as well as its close proximity to retail amenities and public transit alike. A preliminary design concept has been prepared contemplating the development of the property as a mixed-use community integrating both residential and employment uses. The project also features a vision for new parkland and improved connectivity / access to St. Clair Avenue West.
6 Lloyd Avenue
Site Area: 2.66 acres
GFA: 500,000 sq. ft.
No. Storeys: 8-16
No. Suites: 550

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