The Globe Jan 30, 1929
MODERN MAN'S PHYSICAL INFERIORITY Excepting trained athletes, we moderns are puny creatures compared with our forefathers. Even athletes soon burnout eating acid-forming foods, the great cause of modern physical inferiority.
From 32 to 50 Dr Jackson was one of the unit. At 60 Dr Osler gave him four months to live dying from acid-forming foods. He then invented alkali-forming Roman Meal Before that he had lived on the ground floor, unable to 'climb stairs. Four years afterwards he climbed the fifty stores in Washington’s Monument, up and down, solely due to the alkalinizing properties in Roman Meal. In September, 1928, when seventy, he ran five miles in forty-five minutes was not even winded; again due-to Roman Meal Write for free booklet, "HOW TO KEEP WELL," ROBT JACKSON, M.D., 304 Vine Ave Toronto 9, Ont. Or write for free sample of Roman Meal. 304 Vine Ave is now 108 Vine Ave.