The creation of the ARTIFICIAL ICE RINK FOR HIGH PARK CLUB 1926 (Historical Post)

Note the creation of this rink was organized by a citizen run club.

The Globe Feb 23, 1926;
Plan Will Be Installed at Estimated Cost of $35,000
Another artificial ice plant will be installed in Toronto in the near future, the shareholders of the High Park Club at a meeting last night, instructing the directors of the club to proceed with plans for the construction of a plant at the club which, it is estimated, will cost $35,000. The plant will probably furnish artificial ice for the High Park curlers next season.
The meeting was very enthusiastic over the project, and after estimates had been submitted and a thorough discussion had taken place, the motion by Mr. Percy Atkinson, seconded by L. J. Harrington to instruct the directors to proceed with the necessary plans met with unanimous approval.
The expense of the proposition will be met, it is proposed, by the issuing of $16,000 stock of the club, which has not until now been issued.
This, with a pledge taken by the members to buy additional stock and secure new members, is expected to finance the scheme, which will now become a reality. The directors will proceed with the necessary arrangements for the work as soon as the $16,000 block of stock has been sold.
This stock, it is intended, will be sold to West End curlers in $50 shares. The estimate was given in a report of Mr. Fred J. Lucas given to the meeting.
Mr. W. J. Steward presided at the meeting.

2020-07-26 Artificial Ice Rink



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