Some of the beautiful houses of Maria St.

Ryan Street in West Junction has one of the most storied and  adventurous histories in the community and along with that yes we came the building of some of the communities most beautiful houses.

From from simple joints doctors as shown in the first picture here what time for decades are of those homes for many families two more elaborate crafted houses shown  in the second picture below.

Then followed by a community of people on the street will take an extreme pride in care of the front façade and creating an interesting decorative atmosphere in the front sides and yards, Then followed by a community of people on the street will take an extreme pride in care of the front façade and creating an interesting decorative atmosphere in the front structures  and yards. This type of front façade care and yard care is not particularly common in the Junction, With Maria Street having a singularity of interest in personalization in the Junction.


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The colourful house pictured was my creation taking my inspiration from “the painted ladies” in San Fransisco..I don’t live here anymore as I have relocated to BC..
I am sure that the present owner will keep the house looking great …I would have liked some of the houses in the immediate neighbourhood to follow my lead..but alas it did not happen..But that’s what makes this house unique.
I am glad that my design has made an impact on the Junction where I lived as a child…

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