The Squibbs building will be reduced to be part of the façade for the new residential building.

This development in Weston on Weston Rd. includes 2 buildings which are 29 and 35 storeys and are connected by a 8 storey podium. The podium has a 2-3 storey base element which serve to support and protect the building.. The proposed 8 storey podium would incorporate 3 of the identified heritage structures (1974-1978 Weston Road, 1984-1986 Weston Road and 3 Little Avenue) on the site. Retaining the properties within the base of the podium. The buildings located at 1980 Weston Road and 5 Little Avenue are planned to be demolished.
1974-1978 Weston Road
The building’s conservation includes the Weston Road frontage, the front portion of the gable (up to the ridge line) and the associated side walls and the chimney, located at the ridge line. The back portions will be removed. The building rear of the roof ridge will be reconstructed with the new massing set back 2m behind the ridgeline. This represents a full 8 metre step back as measured from the front façade to the project podium.
No underground excavation is proposed underneath the building portion to be retained on site as a means to further mitigate any physical impact on the building due to the excavation and subsequent vibrations. The retained portion will remain on existing ground and its foundations will be undisturbed, save for necessary repairs for conservation purposes.
Elements of the Conservation Strategy include;
Conservation insitu of the front building portion up to the ridgeline on the Weston
Road (north) front facade
Conservation insitu of the west and east side walls, up to the roof ridge line
Conservation of the front portion of gable roof
Partly reconstruct portions of rear which will be visible in front of the new podium in
new materials to complement but still distinguish between the existing and new
Repair bricks where damaged and repoint mortar joints, where required
Remove paint from bricks and clean all brick surfaces
Remove all windows and replace with new sympathetic wood units.
Restore original bay window appearance on second storey (four window units)
Restore bargeboard at central gable
Rehabilitate storefront with a sympathetic historic appearance
Replace asphalt shingles with new high quality asphalt shingles.
The storefronts’ current appearances has been heavily altered over the course of the buildings’ evolution and the HIA proposes to rehabilitate them with a sympathetic historic appearance to maintain the commercial value of its evolution. The proposed appearance and colours will be informed by any original traces of fabric that may be found behind the current storefront materials. If no original heritage fabric is found, th
appearance will be modern in design, with modern materials, while respecting principles
and proportions of historic storefront designs.