Dr. Robert Jackson was The Junctions’ miracle food and health entrepreneur inventing Roman Meal bread, and many other health Foods the building at 108 Vine St. which is now how’s that sweet potato grocery store was the location of his operations during his most productive years.
His advertising was bountiful and inspiring creating a vast market for his products and great wealth for himself.
The Roman Meal Wafer Is introduced to Toronto in 1934 with the Purity Bread Limited bent the manufacturer and distributor for Dr. Jackson.
New Roman Meal Wafer Is Introduced to Toronto to thousands of people who use Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal as a regular article of diet, the introduction of Roman Meal in biscuit or “wafer” form will be of special interest. Purity Bread Limited of Toronto for some months past have been conducting many tests and experiments in the production of these wafers. The full food value of Roman Meal is preserved in Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal Wafers. The Flax-o-lin, imported from Austria. and the Rice Polishings, Imported from China, are the only two alkaline grain derivatives known to science today—and these ingredients liberally compose the Roman Meal Wafers, together with a combination of Whole Wheat and Whole Rye. The alkaline effect of these wafers tends to counteract the acid residues in the blood, and at the same time supply deficiencies in the diet. For children particularly, Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal Wafers provide a nourishing food, building bones. strengthening teeth and making sturdy bodies. While this product has been pre-pared by Purity Bread Limited, Dr. Jackson himself has taken a keen interest in its development.
The Globe (1844-1936); Apr 20, 1934; The Globe and Mail pg. 12