The 41 Keele and the Bloor-Danforth line will be affected as below.
41 Keele will increase by about 25 per cent on all days.
Bloor-Danforth line will see longer wait times most of the day, with the exception of morning peak, Monday through Friday. Wait times will increase by anywhere from an estimated 16 per cent to five minutes and 38 seconds on weekdays in the early evening to 67 per cent (to eight minutes and five seconds) during the late evening period.
In other TTC news
The TTC to start ticketing non-paying riders at the end of March.
a TTC report states,
“As part of the culture change, the approach to fare evasion has shifted to one focused on educating riders, and encouraging ‘taps over tickets’, i.e. asking individuals to tap their PRESTO cards and/or pay their fares rather than issuing tickets,” the report says. “This supports a model where the TTC can immediately recuperate revenue and contributes to resetting social norms.”