When Vine Ave recycling issues were fought in Toronto Council on a dozen occasions, 1943

  1. The famous “Vine Avenue” issue.
    fought in committee  and council
    a dozen occasions. was moved
    farther toward decision.Council
    sustained recommendations of the
    property committee rejecting an
    application of the Consolidated Bottle Company Limited to conduct a second-hand business, bottles only,
    at 50-80 Vine Ave.
    It backed another recommenda-
    tion that bill be introduced to
    prohibit use of lands or erection or
    of buildings on Vine Ave. for
    junk shops or yards, second-band
    shops or yards. or foundries.
    The net result is that the bottle
    concern may continue operation of
    its bottle salvage plant in the rear
    of 27-67 Vine Ave., but may not use
    its new yard at 50-80 Vine Ave., nor
    acquire other premises for that pur-
    pose on the street.


March 23 1943 Toronto Daily Star

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