All text below, other than underlined is that of the developers submissions to the city in their effort to object acceptance of their plans. Underlined text is notes of the blog.
Conservation of the Rowntree building
As part of the development proposal, the Rowntree building will be conserved and integrated with the new building.
Note in the above proposal the developer states “As part of the development proposal,” the community needs to ensure this occurs.
The existing building is built to the property line while the proposed new massing is setback from it at some locations. This configuration gives prominence to the existing building without negatively impacting the streetwall character that is predominant on both sides of Dundas Street West. The setbacks from the south property line is minimal and will permit the west side wall of the Rowntree building to be partially visible to the public.
The new building steps back above the roofline of the existing building along the south and east elevations, which further conserves its three-dimensional form.
Existing storefronts are not of particular value or interest and do not support the existing building’s character. They will be removed and replaced with modern storefronts which will appropriately fit with the existing building.
Interiors will be altered to suit new uses and accommodate new structure to support additional storeys above. Interior alterations will have no impact on the Rowntree’s three-dimensional form.
7.2 Conservation Plan
The research and background information as well as the building condition assessment will inform the drawings and specifications prepared for the building’s conservation.
The following actions are anticipated at this stage to support the conservation strategy:
• Retain in situ all existing exterior walls
• Provide alterations on the north (back) wall, where required
• Repair, clean and repoint all masonry surfaces, where needed and required
• Clean all stone surfaces
• Remove all existing storefronts and replace with new.
• Retain and repair existing cast stone materials at the ground floor elevation
• Replace flashing at roof parapets and window sills, where damaged