Brilliant West Toronto Junction Historical Society time period sharing for the management/board team.

During 2023 the West Toronto Junction Historical Society began to rotate the board volunteers responsibilities thoughout the year, for positions such as president, vice president, and other roles. They did this by breaking each postioin into shorter monthy segments.

The probable reasons for this choice and the benefits of rotating responsibilities and duties are to ensure that everyone is cross-trained on many different skill sets within several positions. In terms of fatigue and availability, a person holding a volunteer position that requires a great amount of effort throughout the year may become fatigued.   The board time required may interfere with a person’s family life and employment.

These practices may help maintain a dynamic and effective board, ensuring that the nonprofit organization can continue to achieve its mission.

Energized roles, and probably a greater pool of interested persons to volunteer on the board, are the most likely result of this result of this change in leadership responsibilities.

Below are captures from the 2022 and 2023 annual report detailing the change

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